Saturday, December 20, 2008

Back to school.....

Next week will be the commencement of my 2nd semester....alhamdulillah, i've managed to register all the subjects without any problems and in accordance with what i've planned....

My class will be on every Mon-Thursday, and am planning to go back to Spore in the every midnight of Thursday, so i'll be spending my Fri-Sun in Spore wif my loved ones...yeyy :) hehe...
My 4 subjects for this sem are :

1- Research Methodology
2- Islamic Critical Thinking
3- Islamization of knowledge (fav !! )
4- Muslim Scholarship in Comparative Religion

I was planning to get back there by this Sun with my fellow Assiumers which they have already charted a bus from Larkin...but...hahaha guess what?? my trip has to be postponed and will travel on the following day as im planning to go to the stadium with friends to watch our national football team plays Vietnam in their 2nd round of semis...hehehe ....will RoaaRRrRR.......

hmm, when was my last time in the national stadium? i guess it's 10 yrs ago....or more....hmmm......see ya !

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nikmat yg dikecapi oleh masyarakat Islam Singapura (intro)

Segala puji bagi Allah s.w.t tuhan semesta alam...

Selawat dan salam diucapkan kepada junjungan Baginda Sayyidina Muhammad pembawa rahmat kepada sekelian alam...

Sedang dunia masih diganggu dengan kelembapan dan kemelesetan ekonomi, dunia dikejutkan pula dengan serangan kejam para pengganas di India..aduuuh sungguh sakit hati ini hendak menerima hakikat yang sememangnya ia tidak berperikemanusiaan langsung.........serangan seperti itu kadangkala memang tidak diduga namun ia tidak mustahil berulang-ulang sehingga bila pon saya tk tau.

pasti kita tanak lihat perkara itu berlaku pada negeri kita kan? Sebab itulah pada setiap akhir khutbah, khatib selalu membaca doa supaya kita dihindarkan dari segala bala' dan fitnah yg berlaku keatas negara kita...adakah anda perasan? doa dalam bahasa arabnya berbunyi :

"Allahummad fa'annal balaa wal wabaa wal fitan wazzalazila wal mihan ma zahara minha wama batan an baladina haza khassah, wasaairal bilaadi ammah...innaka ala kulli syai'in qadiir ".

yang bermaksud : "wahai Tuhan kami, jauhilah kami dari segala bentuk balaa dan penyakit, fitnah , gempa bumi dan bencana, samada secara terang mahupun sembunyi, yang berlaku keatas negara kami khasnya, dan seluruh negara amnya...sesungguhnya Engkau berkuasa atas segala sesuatu..."

Ameen ya rabbal alameen....

sekali lagi saya tanya,,,pasti kita tanak perkara ni berlaku pat negeri kita betul tak?? siapa yang nak lihat negeri kita kocah kacir disebabkan ada pergolakan politik ke...keagamaan ke...atau perkauman ke yang pernah berlaku suatu ketika dahulu ?? siapa nak lihat anak-anak kita membesar dengan dalam keadaan ketakutan...takut didiskriminasi kawan bukan sebangsa dengannya, takut naik MRT disebabkan ada bom dsb..?? siapa yang ingin melihat cacian dan makian jalan teruss antara jiran sebelah menyebelah?? malahan scenario2 sebegitu sangat bercanggah dengan tujuan Islam sebenar yang inginkan kebaikan dan kesejahteraan buat umat manusia dimana kitalah yang diamanahkan untuk memakmurkan dunia ini...

teman yg disayangi sekelian,
kita sebenarnya sedang menikmati setiap detik kehidupan kita di Singapura ini...bersyukurlah negara kita ni tak seperti negara lain....bukan senang nak duduk sebumbung dengan penduduk yang berbilang bangsa dan agama.....bukan senang nak wujudkan perpaduan kaum dan sifat saling hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain....lebih2 lagi dunia globalisasi dengan adanya internet dimana segala bentuk informasi dan pemikiran boleh diambil tanpa sempadan dan batasan.....

namun, hari ini...pada detik ini....masyarakat Singapura masih lagi boleh dikatakan hidup dalam aman damai, hormat menghormati antara agama dan kaum serta persefahaman yang baik wujud di kalangan masyarakat kita................ini merupakan nikmat....sekali lagi saya tekankan, NIKMAT wahai teman.

Nikmat2 yg kita kecapi selama ini bukanlah sesuatu yg datang bergolek...pokok takkan bergoyang kalau tidak ditiup angin....ia memerlukan usaha gigih para pemimpin, guru2, para Asatizah dan masyarakat semua dalam merialisasikan impian kita...

sebab itulah kadang saya rasa sedih bila mendengar segelintir masyarakat Islam kita masih tidak menyedari hakikat ini....masih lagi tidak sedar bahawa ini merupakan satu nikmat...mereka2 ni suka melihat pada kekurangan..dan tidak lihat pada yang sedia ada....masih meminta hak itu dan hak ini...ada yang masih dengan pendekatan tegas ' asyiddaa ' dalam satu2 isu agama....yg ingin diperjuangkan ialah isu cabang agama sebenarnya yang dilihat sebagai satu isu besar..kononnya ia merupakan isu akidah...takut sgt dimurkai Allah sampai tahap tidak bersangka baik pada Allah...bukankah rahmat Allah itu melebihi kemurkaannya?? kononnya itu sunnah yg mesti ditegakkan...sedangkan isu2 itu sudah jelas dikhilafkan ulama....isu yg berbentuk zhonni...mungkin mereka kurang bijak dalam berinteraksi dan bermuamalah dengan sunnah...atau tesilap membezakan antara sunnah dan sirah...

sebenarnya apa yg ingin dicapai syariat Islam adalah lebih besar daripada yg disangka....setiap individu muslim sepatutnya sama2 memikul amanah ini untuk mencapai tujuan syariat Islam yang besar. Inilah yg dinamakan khalifah....

tak sangka dah panjang pula intro saya ni...saya sebenarnya nak kongsi akan apa yg saya lihat selama ini nikmat2 yg sedang dinikmati oleh masyarakat Islam Singapura....yang atas tu semua kira macam 'problem statement' la ...saya juga tidak menolak kepastian masih ada juga ruang2 kelemahan yg perlu kita perbaiki....saya akan bahagikan tulisan saya ini kepada 3 bahagian :

1- nikmat Masjid di Singapura ini.
2- tempat tinggal kita , kehidupan berjiran...
3- kehidupan keagamaan kita di sini

Insya-Allah kita jumpa lagi pada masa akan dtg ~

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


in today's posting, i'd like to share with u one of my fav football figures whos his name not globally known, but arguably the best player in africa...

Mohamed Aboutreika...that name i vividly remember was being chanted most ofl the time when we walked on the streets of Cairo soon after their national team won the african cup 3 yrs ago....

beside his skills and ability to create and score goals...he preserve good manners and a religious man according to the ppl around him...maybe that what makes him the most popular footballer in planet not long time ago....

very happy to hear his story again when i visited this morning....
happy reading ~


Aboutreika Inspires Congolese to Islam

By Mustafa El-Ga'fary, IOL Correspondent

Aboutreika's prostration aroused many Congolese's curiosity about Islam.

TRIPOLI — Egypt's soccer legend Mohamed Aboutreika, also admired for his piety and good manners, has never imagined that his match against Congo in the 2010 World Cup qualifiers would draw many Congolese to the fold of Islam.

"Many Congolese were curious to know why Aboutreika prostrated after he scored," Sheikh Abdulla Mingala Lwaba, the mufti of Congo, told in an exclusive interview.

Aboutreika, nominated for the CAF African Footballer of the Year award in 2006 and running for the title this year, scored the winner goal in Egypt's clash with Congo in the World Cup qualifier last September.

To the surprise of the thousands of Congolese fans, he immediately kneeled to the ground before being joined by fellow teammates.
"Many fans came to us wondering why the Egyptian players did that," said Lwaba.

"We explained to them that the prostration was meant to thank God for his blessings, an act encouraged by Islam," he explained.
"Many of them developed a curiosity about Islam that eventually led them to embracing the Muslim faith."

Aboutreika enjoys a huge popularity in Egypt, the Arab world and Africa for his amazing skills and good manners.

He was named the world's most popular soccer player in 2007, according to the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS).

Envoy of Islam

The Congolese mufti describes Aboutreika and his like him as ambassadors of Islam.

"They are preachers of Islam," he told IOL.
Lwaba said many people look up to famous stars as role models.
"When a Muslim sets a good example in his work and actions, many follow him. And when he abides by his religious values, he guides many people to his faith."

Born in 1978 in the city of Giza, Aboutreika led Egypt to win the African Cup of Nations in 2006 and 2008, earning him the "Africa's Zinedine Zidane" nickname.

He has also been dubbed "The Smiling Assassin" by foreign media because of his two main trademarks: goal-scoring and glamorous smiling.

Off the pitch, Aboutreika is a player known for his good manners with a personality as great as his silky skills.

In 2005, Aboutreika joined UNDP Goodwill Ambassadors Brazilian Ronaldo, French Zidane and 40 other international soccer stars for a "Match Against Poverty."

His stardom increased across the Arab and Muslim worlds because of his support of Muslims causes.

After scoring a goal during the 2006 Africa Cup of Nations, Aboutreika revealed a T- shirt bearing the slogan "We Sacrifice Ourselves for You Prophet Muhammad" in response to the blasphemous Danish cartoons.

He also made headlines in January of this year during Egypt's Africa Cup of Nations match against Sudan, when he lifted his jersey after scoring his first goal to show a white T-shirt emblazoned with "Sympathize With Gaza."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

fatwa on allowing guide dog to enter UK mosque

All praises to Allah...
not very long ago..........

interesting isn't it??....
some may disagree with the fatwa,,,but hey, don't you know that according to Maliki school of thought, dog is considered pure and not najis...

dog issue has long been discussed by our jurists - which resulted a variety of opinions - i think its still worth to discuss the topic again ...nevertheless the issue has been raised by many especially from our non-muslim frens ..they've been asking out of curiosity and intend to know the significance or the Islamic point of view with regards to dogs...hmm..sometimes its very challenging to attend that kind of queries....some may feel offended while others are more open to accept....well, it all depend on your creativity and wisdom in answering that 'sensitive' query
: ) ...should we choose not to attend, means we are not upholding the amanah...wallau a'lam !

Have your say !

Friday, November 14, 2008


John C. Maxwell once told us that " the only true freedom each of us has in life is the freedom to choose...The most important choice is who we will become.."

I always believe the power of choice....its from the choices we make, will determine the outcome whether if its in our favour or not...the more confident we are with our decision and choices, the more positive outcome we will meet...the next job is to leave the rest to the Almighty Allah The All Loving & Living....

But should the outcome not in our favour, then this is a test from Him...we know that we did the best...never resent or blame anyone...

I myself had a plenty of choices recently...for instance, a choice between to continue studies or choice was to study....and that's my decision that i can't take it back nor feeling regret....i have to admit that at times, i was in the state of dubious and ragu-ragu..whether i made the right decision or not....but alhamdulillah, things are going good and im enjoying every moment of my studies....

kadang bila tengok kawan dah kerjaya, terkilan jugak....sekurang2 nya dah mula sumbang pada masyarakat...bila pulak diriku rasanya?? ( hehe melayu pulaak) masakan tidak...diri ini sudah terpanggil dan merasakan amanah yg harus dipikul ini seakan-akan sudah boleh bermula dari sekarang..iaitu untuk menyumbang pada masyarakat Islam Singapura khususnya....sebab itulah saya asik nak balik je tiap minggu ...ulang alik UIA-Singapore kira mcm da biasa gitu...paling2 pon kadang ada khutbah dan mengajar je ujung minggu.. (hehe kalau da pelajar buat hal pelajar lah ! ni nak keje la ape lah..)...tapi ada jgk pasal nak main bola dan ehem ehem...hehehe.

tambah lagi, my 8 months in Office of Mufti was really an eye opening which gave me some/ sikit je sense of what is actually our muslim community is job was to attend all forms of day-2-day religious queries, be it phonecalls, e-mails and walk-in customers.... so this factor too seakan-akan diriku tidak mahu berpisah dari Singapura dan sentiasa inginkan updates dan sumbangan...(mcm paham)

yup decision untuk meneruskan pembelajaran masih lagi teguh alhamdulillah.....sememangnya ia merupakan dream sejak lepas abes Pre-u Aljunied lagi....Ya Allah tetapkanlah hatiku ke atas jalan Iman dan Agamamu...ameen.

So, the moral of the story is : The choice is simple...whether A or B....the tough one is to stick and confidence with your choice....may Allah gives us strength and resilience in the face of challenges....Ameen.

blessed night, Wassalam...


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Be Right Back.....

I will stop blogging for a while and will be back soon....

Thank you for ur support !!

Friday, October 24, 2008

the ongoing dispute

the never ending dispute between muslims and muslims .....again and again....

Top Muslim cleric group back Qaradawi over Shi'ites

RIYADH (Reuters) - A leading group of Muslim clerics has called on Sunnis and Shi'ites to desist from efforts to win converts from the other, but blamed Shi'ite Iran for stoking sectarian tensions in Arab countries.

Fears of a growing sectarian rift have bubbled since Iraq's Sunni Muslim leader Saddam Hussein was toppled by U.S.-led forces in 2003 and replaced by a Shi'ite-controlled government backed by Shi'ite power Iran.

Egyptian-born cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi (C) attends the opening session of the fifth International Al-Quds conference in Algiers in this March 26, 2007 file photo. (REUTERS/Louafi Larbi)

Leading Sunni cleric Youssef al-Qaradawi said in remarks to Egyptian and Saudi newspapers last month that Shi'ites now had a voice in traditional Sunni countries like Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco through proselytisation. He said this could lead to violence.

Qaradawi's comments stirred controversy in Iran where he was attacked in the media and among Shi'ite communities in the Arab world, which are mainly concentrated in Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain.

The International Union of Muslim Scholars, which met in Qatar this week to discuss the issue, said Iran bore responsibility for "sectarian strife" and urged each sect to respect the other's dominant position in different regions.

"Organised attempts by the minority sect to proselytise in areas where the other is dominant should stop, as part of mutual respect between the sects," it said. "The Islamic Republic of Iran should bear its responsibility to end sectarian strife."

"His (Qaradawi's) statements came from his legitimate responsibility to warn the Islamic nation about the efforts to revive sectarian conflict," the statement published on Qaradawi's website ( said.

It also called for an end to sectarian fighting and for protection of minorities. Iraq and Lebanon have witnessed sectarian fighting in recent years. Shi'ites in Saudi Arabia complain of second class status, and Sunnis say their brethren in Iran and Iraq are persecuted.

The ageing Qaradawi currently heads the Union, which groups Sunni and Shi'ite scholars from around the world. Saudi daily al-Watan reported disputes this week among members with some favouring a more conciliatory line towards Shi'ites.

The scholars who framed the statement included prominent Saudi Sunni Salman al-Awdah and Ali Fadlallah, son of prominent Shi'ite cleric in Lebanese group Hezbollah Hassan Fadlallah.

Politically, Sunni governments are concerned that non-Arab Iran and its allies including Hezbollah are gaining respect among ordinary Arabs for championing resistance against Israel and U.S. political and military influence in the region.

Copyright © 2008 Reuters

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hari Raya 1429H

Wishing to all readers Eid Sa'eed ....
- Maaf Zahir & Batin -

( The invasion of UIA freinds ) hehe...

(Me & Nephew, Imaan )

( Me & Newborn nephew, Nafis )

( Akan ku sampaikan doa dan kiriman tulus ikhlas...dari jauh ku pohon ampun maaf ~ )

(After 7 old fren of mine, Cikgu Shyamira )

Dats all for now....will post again soon ~

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Historical events in Ramadan

* Taken from Dmasyq.

3/4 رمضان شهر المآثر والأحداث التاريخية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

15 رمضان

نتصار الدولة العثمانية على روسيا:
في15 من رمضان 1224هـ الموافق 24 من أكتوبر 1809م: انتصرت الدولة العثمانية على روسيا في معركة "تاتاريجه"، ويقتل من الروس 10 آلاف جندي.
مولد الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب:
في 15 رمضان 3هـ= الموافق 1 من مارس 625م ولد الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب.
ولاية محمد بن أبي بكر الصديق على مصر:
في الخامس عشر من شهر رمضان عام 37هـ الموافق 23 من فبراير 658م تولى محمد بن أبي بكر الولاية على مصر.
وفاة عبيد الله بن عمر بن الخطاب:
في 15 رمضان 37هـ= الموافق 23 فبراير 658م تُوفي عبيد الله بن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه.
عبور عبد الرحمن الداخل إلى الأندلس
في 15 رمضان 138هـ= الموافق 20 فبراير 756 م عبر عبد الرحمن الداخل المعروف بـ(صقر قريش) البحر إلى الأندلس ليؤسس دولة إسلامية قوية وهي الدولة الأموية في الأندلس.
استسلام قلعة صفد:
في الخامس عشر من شهر رمضان عام 584هـ= الموافق 6 نوفمبر 1188م سلمت قلعة صفد للقائد المسلم صلاح الدين الأيوبي.

16 رمضان

ولادة الشيخ حسنين مخلوف:
في 16 من رمضان 1307 هـ= الموافق 6 مايو 1890م: وُلد العالم الكبير حسنين محمود حسنين مخلوف (مفتي الديار المصرية).
وفاة المؤرخ المقريزي:
في السادس عشر من شهر رمضان عام 845هـ= الموافق 27 يناير 1442م توفي أحمد بن علي المقريزي، المؤرخ المشهور، وصاحب كتاب (المواعظ والاعتبار في ذكر الخطط والآثار)، وله كتب أخرى.
اندحار نابليون أمام عكا:
في السادس عشر من شهر رمضان 1213هـ الموافق 20 من فبراير 1799م تمَّت مطاردة نابليون بونابرت للمماليك في العريش ثم اندحاره أمام عكا.

17 رمضان

غزوة بدر الكبرى:
في 17 من رمضان 2هـ= الموافق 13 من مارس 623م حدثت معركة بدر بين المسلمين بقيادة رسول الله- صلى الله عليه وسلم- وكانت أول انتصارات قوى الحق على شراذم الباطل ويُطلق عليها (غزوة الفرقان).
وفاة السيدة رقية رضي الله عنها:
في 17 من رمضان 2هـ= الموافق 13 من مارس 623م تُوفيت السيدة رقية بنت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
استشهاد الإمام علي بن أبي طالب:
في 17 من رمضان 40هـ= الموافق 24 من يناير 660م استُشهد الإمام علي بن أبي طالب، رابع الخلفاء الراشدين، أسلم مبكرًا، وشهد الغزوات مع النبي- صلى الله عليه وسلم- وتزوَّج ابنته فاطمة، واشتهر بالشجاعةِ والفصاحةِ والبلاغة، وقد اغتاله الخارجي عبد الرحمن بن ملجم الحميري وهو ابن ثمانيةٍ وخمسين عامًا.
الانتصار على الدولة البيزنطية في معركة عمورية:
17 من رمضان 223هـ= الموافق 12 من أغسطس 838م تحقيق المسلمين النصر على الدولة البيزنطية في معركة عمورية بقيادة
الخليفة المعتصم العباسي، الذي هبَّ لنجدة إخوانه المسلمين حين استغاثوا به، فحرَّك جيشًا كبيرًا لتأديب الدولة البيزنطية.
وفاة السيدة عائشة رضي الله عنها:
في ليلةِ الثلاثاء 17 رمضان 85هـ= الموافق 12 يوليو 678م تُوفيت السيدة عائشة زوج رسول الله- صلى الله عليه وسلم- وابنة أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنهما ودُفنت بالبقيع.
وفاة الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي:
في السابع عشر وقيل الحادي والعشرين من شهر رمضان عام 95هـ= الموافق يونيو 714م تُوفي الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي، قبل انتهاء مدة خلافة الوليد بن عبد الملك بأقل من سنة، وكانت وفاته بالعراق، وله من العمر 54 سنة.
تنازل بيبرس عن عرش مصر:
في السابع عشر من شهر رمضان عام 709هـ الموافق 17 فبراير 1310م، تنازل السلطان بيبرس عن عرش مصر، بعد مرور عامٍ ونصف على حكمه.


وفاة سيف الله المسلول "خالد بن الوليد":
في18 من رمضان 21هـ= الموافق 20 من أغسطس 642م: تُوفي سيف الله المسلول "خالد بن الوليد" صاحب العديد من الفتوحات والانتصارات على أعتى إمبراطوريتين هما "الفرس" و"الروم"، وقد قضى حياته كلها بين كرٍّ وفرٍّ وجهادٍ في سبيل إعلاء كلمة الحق ونصرة الدين.
اندلاع أعمال عنفٍ بين الهندوس والمسلمين في مدينة كالكوتا الهندية:
في18 من رمضان 1365هـ= الموافق16 من أغسطس 1946م: اندلعت أعمال عنف بين الهندوس والمسلمين في مدينة كالكوتا الهندية وامتدادها إلى عددٍ من المدن الأخرى، واستمرت الاشتباكات 3 أيام، أسفرت عن سقوط 7 آلاف قتيل.
مبايعة الحسن بن علي بالخلافة:
في 18 من رمضان 40هـ= الموافق 24 يناير 661 بُويع الحسن بن علي رضي الله عنهما بالخلافة بعد مقتل أبيه.
يوسف بن تاشفين يجمع شمل المسلمين في الأندلس:
في 18 من رمضان 484هـ= الموافق 1091م استطاع القائد يوسف بن تاشفين أن يجمع شمل المسلمين في الأندلس ويقضي على التفرقة بين ملوك الطوائف هناك.
نهاية دولة المرابطين في المغرب:
في 18 رمضان عام 539هـ كانت نهاية دولة المرابطين في المغرب العربي، وقيام دولة الموحدين، فعندما اشتد الصراع بين (المرابطين) بقيادة تاشفين بن علي بن يوسف بن تاشفين، وبين (الموحدين) بقيادة عبد المؤمن بن علي، حصل قتال ومطاردة بين الجيشين وقُتل تاشفين بعد أن هوى من فوق الصخرة، فقطع الموحدون رأسه وحملوه إلى (تينمل) مركز الدعوة الموحدية، وكان هذا الحادث هو نهاية دولة المرابطين في المغرب، علمًا بأن المرابطين ولوا بعد تاشفين أخاه إسحاق الذي لم يكن له أي أثر في التاريخ فيما بعد.


تأسيس جامعة الزيتونة:
في 19 من رمضان 1375هـ= الموافق 30 من إبريل 1956م: أصدرت الحكومة التونسية قرارًا بأن يكون جامع الزيتونة جامعة مختصة بالعلم وأن تُسمَّى الجامعة الزيتونية وأصبحت بها 5 كليات.
وفاة الشيخ حسنين مخلوف:
في 19 من رمضان 1410هـ= الموافق 15 من أبريل 1990م: تُوفي العالم الكبير حسنين محمد حسنين مخلوف (مفتي الديار المصرية) أحد أعلام الفقه في العالم الإسلامي في القرن الرابع عشر الهجري، وعُرف الشيخ بمواقفه الجريئة وجهره بكلمةِ الحق.
معركة بحرية بين العمانيين والبرتغاليين
في 19 من رمضان 1121هـ= الموافق 30 من نوفمبر 1806م جرت معركة بحرية بين أسطول العرب العمانيين والأسطول البرتغالي، تراجع فيها الأسطول العربي إلى رأس الخيمة.


بناء مسجد القيروان
في العشرين من شهر رمضان 51هـ= الموافق 29 من سبتمبر 671م بني مسجد القيروان على يد عقبة بن نافع رضي الله عنه.

رحيل الآلاف من قرطبة:
في 20 من رمضان 202 هـ= الموافق 30 من مارس 818م: رحل آلاف الأندلسيين من قرطبة بعد فشل ثورتهم ضد حكم الأمير "الحكم بن هشام" الذي بطش بالثوار بطشًا شديدًا، وهدم منازلهم وشرَّدهم في الأندلس، فاتجهت جماعة منهم تبلغ زهاء 15 ألف إلى مصر، ثم ما لبثوا أن غادروها إلى جزيرة أقريطش كريت سنة 212هـ، وأسسوا بها دولة صغيرة استمرت زهاء قرن وثلث.


فتح مكة المكرمة:
في 21 من رمضان 8 هـ= الموافق 11 من يناير 630م تم فتح مكة المكرمة، وسمي هذا العام عام الفتح. ويُسمَّى هذا الفتح (فتح الفتوح)؛ حيث دخل الناس على إثره أفواجًا في دين الله. وكان فيه إسلام أبي سفيان.
وفاة الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي:
في 21 من رمضان 95هـ= الموافق 9 من يونيو 714م: تُوفي الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي، أحد رجالات الدولة الأموية، وواحد من مشاهير التاريخ الإسلامي، اشتهر بالقوة والعنف في معاملة الخصوم وأعداء الدولة، وفي الوقت نفسه أسدى للدولة خدمات جليلة، يأتي في مقدمتها: استتاب الأمن، واستئناف الفتوحات الإسلامية، وإنشاء مدينة واسط، ونقط المصحف الشريف.
السلطان أورخان الأول:
في 21 من رمضان 726هـ= الموافق21 من أغسطس 1325م: تُولي
السلطان أورخان الأولعرش الدولة العثمانية، وهو الثاني في سلسلة سلاطينها، قام بتدعيم أركان الدول، وتوسيع رقعتها، وإنشاء فرقة الإنكشارية المعروفة.
الروس يخسرون 20 ألف قتيل:
في 21 من رمضان 1271هـ= الموافق7 من يونيو 1855م خسر الروس 20 ألف قتيل في هجوم جيش الاتفاق الفرنسي الإنجليزي العثماني على قلعة "سيفاستوبول" الواقعة حاليًا في أوكرانيا أثناء "حرب القرم" بين الدولة العثمانية وروسيا.
بدء أعمال الحفر في قناة السويس:
في 21 من رمضان 1275 هـ= الموافق 24 من إبريل 1859م:بدأت أعمال الحفر في قناة السويس التي تربط بين البحرين الأبيض والأحمر، واستمر الحفر 10 سنوات ونصف شارك فيه 60 ألف فلاح مصري، وبلغ طولها آنذاك 162.5 كم، وافتتحت للملاحة في 19 نوفمبر 1869م.
وفاة الداعية الكبير الشيخ إبراهيم عزت:
في 21 من رمضان 1403هـ= الموافق2 من يوليو 1983م: تُوفي الداعية الكبير الشيخ إبراهيم عزت، واحد من أبرز الدعاة الذين ظهروا في مصر في الربع الأخير من القرن العشرين

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dimitar Berbatov vs Robbie Keane

Tonight will be the BIG match for both United and Liverpool...the clash which we will see the top players fighting with full spirit and passion to win the game..
For the managers (Sir Alex & Benitez), it will be the mind game...Liverpool were beaten twice last date, Sir Alex's side has never been beaten by Liverpool since Rafael Benitez stepped in...i think this will be very very interesting match !! can't wait to sure that Benitez has something in his mind and will not use the same strategy as before.

Liverpool will depend on these two great players...Gerrard & Torres...whom according to the news, they are fit enough for this clash. Another player not to take for granted is the Irishman Robbie Keane...the new signing from spurs...but yet to make any impact...the partnership between Keane and Torres at the moment is not that good.

On the other hand, we will see the new kid representing United..the one and only Bulgarian 2 times player of the year,,,Dimitar Berbatov !!
He is someone who i really think can step into Nistelrooy's shoes...someone can create...and scores for United...his finishing is awesome if you guys follow him...

So.... who will win the game? Man U? Liverpool? or draw? we'll see.........have your say ~
Go Man Utd !!

to conclude, let's read the exclusive interview with Dimitar during the press...
happy reading !!

Q&A: Dimi raring to go

Dimitar Berbatov came face-to-face with the UK media on Friday as he was officially unveiled as a United and revealed trophies are top of his list at OT...

What was it about United that made you want to join?
It’s everything about the club from the red shirt to the glory that people think of when you simply say the words ‘Manchester United.’ It makes you think of the great players and the titles they’ve won as soon as you mention the club. The people who know me best - my family and close friends - know that I don’t play for money. I play because I like the game and I like to entertain. I can achieve that here and I want to help the team win more trophies. When the club said they wanted to sign me, I thought of nothing else.

Manchester City came in with a late bid on transfer deadline day. Was there any possibility of you joining them?
No. My only goal was to join United and now that I’m here I’m really pleased. My ambitions and goals are big and I want to fulfil them at the biggest club in the world. I was surprised when I heard about City’s offer and the money they wanted to spend, but it didn’t make any difference to me. I always wanted to come here.

There was a lot of uncertainty over your future before you actually joined United. How troubling was that for you?
Sometimes people don’t realise how the pressure can get to a player. During this transfer window it was really difficult for me. But when things work out in the end, you can look back and know it was worth waiting for.

Your game has b compared to that of Eric Cantona and Teddy Sheringham – do you see any similarities between yourself and those players?
It’s obviously a big compliment to hear these comparisons, but I have my own game and I never want to be compared to anyone else. Maybe in the future when I stop playing some people will ask the same question about me. But that’s why I play the game. I try to entertain and make people smile. If I can do that here like I did at Tottenham, I’ll be happy.

Did you model your game on anyone when you were growing up?
I always watched good players and worked hard to try to be like them. Marco van Basten was someone I looked to. He was a great striker and I tried my best to be like him.

Your body language when you play suggests that you have supreme confidence in your own ability. Is that the case?
Is that what I look like? [Interviewer: Yes, you look more than confident.] I may look like that but inside it might be a different story. As a player you have periods when things aren’t going well and you lose your confidence. You start asking yourself ‘am I good enough?’. I have been through a lot of those periods, but at the end of the day I know what my abilities are and I believe in what I can do on the pitch. That helps me through many difficult times and will help me come to a club like United.een

-Nostalgic moments-

Salaam and morning to everyone....
Here are some pics which were taken during 80-90's ...
very the nostalgic ones....
the place where i belong....
and will always remain in my heart....
the teachers...the musollah...the padang bulat...the canteen...the kubur...etc.

( Allahummaghfir liman anshaa haazihil Madrasah...wa assasaha wa ammaraha...)

( padang bulat)

" Oh Allah...bless this Madrasah...the founder...the teachers..the students...and all whom have contributed "

Friday, September 5, 2008

Assignment !!

2 more days to go back UIA...

well, things not going well for me and im not impressed with myself..why? because i have targeted to finish at least 2 assignments by the school re-opens..but im struggling to find momentum and hardly to think nowadays..isssit because of fasting? nahh..its just a mindset.

alhamdulillah at least finished 1 and on my way for the 2nd..

My 1st assignment which i was able to finish it is on the topic of 'Maqasid Syariah' - the importance of mastering Maqasid for the Mujtahid - all praises are due to Allah the All Loving, i benefited a lot from this assignment..

My 2nd one is on the topic of 'Conflict and Preferences' (at-ta'arud wat tarjih) which my prof (Prof Dr. Yunus Soulhi) has given us a freedom to choose any one from the topics i chose for myself the topic which sounds like this: " Maraatibul Jam'i wat tarjih, wa mauqiful ulama' fil amal bit tarjih". Both are in Arabic...

okok draaag ~ assignment first...assignmennt!!!

Peace ~

Sunday, August 31, 2008

-Ramadan and Singapore -

Ramadan oh Ramadan...

Tomorrow, Muslims from all walks of life (particularly in Singapore) will be fasting as it marks the beginning month of Ramadan for the year 1429 Hijri. Yahoo!! ....I believe many of us have drafted plans to fill in activities throughout Ramadan.. and also have managed schedule and time in order to make ourselves available for variety of program which have been laid down by Mosques or organization.

When we talk about Ramadan in Singapore, there are 3 things that i like:

1- Mosque : to be honest, i like to see mosques occupied with the staff, volunteers and congregation whom will spend several hours cooking and distributing the porridge, preparing meals for breaking fast..pray together and overnight for qiyamullail. It will give me the sense of satisfaction and peace whenever look at them..that's the true spirit of to them whom make it 'hip and happening' in the mosque..May your kind and sincere efforts shall be put in the Hasanah scale on the Judgement Day.

2- Bazaar : Geylang Serai will be the central attraction for most Muslims. For myself, i always went to bazaar for browsing and sometimes buying baju melayu...butang2 baju...buying foods especially dendeng :> and meeting friends...on top of all, its a nice place to go. :>

3- Iftar : this session is actually an opportunity to gather family members, friends and colleagues to strengthen the bond. As for this year's iftar, im planning to break fast with fellow 37(sab-ah-wath-thalathun) friends in somewhere that condusive and comfortable..a place where not too many people...and of coz, the food must be marvelous !! hehe...any place to recommend?

Happy Ramadan !!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

1st posting : objective and intention from blogging

1st 1st 1st...!! yes, i guess this is the right time for me to go back to the world of blogging ~ welcome Ahlan Maaz...

Actually, i had my previous blog at wordpress but seems that its not that easy and friendly to use it, after making several comparison and read some of the reviews, i decided to put an end to it and of opinion that not even a single company at the moment are able to match with Google's ability, creativity and intelligence when it comes to search engine, data and features. I love to use Google anywhere as it is more friendly and professional. Plus, i'll be using Google a lot both for my academic and business.

Back to the topic stated above, i'd like to share with you of what's actually from my frame of reference, the blogging world means to me...which i believe that this as one of many evidences of human civilization in the 21st century.

Blog can be used for several purposes :

- as a platform for individuals to write and express whatever that come out in their minds (like myself now).
- as a form of 'modern diary' especially for female...fresh and new approach. (if u look around, you'll find that most of blogs which pertaining to personal and private life are the one from Venus)
- for business purpose, you'll find nowadays few blogs designed for selling off their stuff or offering services.

whatever their means, blog for myself is not more than just SHARING ideas and thoughts. REFLECTING to whatever happen around me,,

Another intention is to practice writing skill...especially English!! . it's an aspiration for me also to become a professional author/writer whom will author at least 10 books before i close my eyes...ameen. (Oh Allah, grant my wishes in this blessed month of Sya'ban, O Allah the Most Loving and Merciful)
