I always believe the power of choice....its from the choices we make, will determine the outcome whether if its in our favour or not...the more confident we are with our decision and choices, the more positive outcome we will meet...the next job is to leave the rest to the Almighty Allah The All Loving & Living....
But should the outcome not in our favour, then this is a test from Him...we know that we did the best...never resent or blame anyone...
I myself had a plenty of choices recently...for instance, a choice between to continue studies or working...my choice was to study....and that's my decision that i can't take it back nor feeling regret....i have to admit that at times, i was in the state of dubious and ragu-ragu..whether i made the right decision or not....but alhamdulillah, things are going good and im enjoying every moment of my studies....
kadang bila tengok kawan dah kerjaya, terkilan jugak....sekurang2 nya dah mula sumbang pada masyarakat...bila pulak diriku rasanya?? ( hehe melayu pulaak) masakan tidak...diri ini sudah terpanggil dan merasakan amanah yg harus dipikul ini seakan-akan sudah boleh bermula dari sekarang..iaitu untuk menyumbang pada masyarakat Islam Singapura khususnya....sebab itulah saya asik nak balik je tiap minggu ...ulang alik UIA-Singapore kira mcm da biasa gitu...paling2 pon kadang ada khutbah dan mengajar je ujung minggu.. (hehe kalau da pelajar buat hal pelajar lah ! ni nak keje la ape lah..)...tapi ada jgk pasal nak main bola dan ehem ehem...hehehe.
tambah lagi, my 8 months in Office of Mufti was really an eye opening which gave me some/ sikit je sense of what is actually our muslim community is facing...my job was to attend all forms of day-2-day religious queries, be it phonecalls, e-mails and walk-in customers.... so this factor too seakan-akan diriku tidak mahu berpisah dari Singapura dan sentiasa inginkan updates dan sumbangan...(mcm paham)
yup decision untuk meneruskan pembelajaran masih lagi teguh alhamdulillah.....sememangnya ia merupakan dream sejak lepas abes Pre-u Aljunied lagi....Ya Allah tetapkanlah hatiku ke atas jalan Iman dan Agamamu...ameen.
So, the moral of the story is : The choice is simple...whether A or B....the tough one is to stick and confidence with your choice....may Allah gives us strength and resilience in the face of challenges....Ameen.
blessed night, Wassalam...

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